Version: 6.0.6v
Current URL: royalscottishacademy.oess1.uk
Client Name: The Royal Scottish Academy of Art and Architecture
Logo: https://s3.eu-west-2.amazonaws.com/oess-uk1/clientimages/1043145373-15mainlogo.png
The RSA Annual Exhibition is the largest and longest-running annual exhibition of contemporary art and architecture in Scotland. Now in its 199th year, the exhibition provides a platform for contemporary painting, sculpture, film, printmaking, photography and installation, alongside work by some of the country’s leading architects.
ARTISTS are invited to submit up to TWO works in any size...
Preselection Completed
Entry Deadline: 06/02/2025, 5pm
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
LoginExhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
The RSA Annual Exhibition is the largest and longest-running annual exhibition of contemporary art and architecture in Scotland. Now in its 198th year, the exhibition provides a platform for contemporary painting, sculpture, film, printmaking, photography and installation, alongside work by some of the country’s leading architects.
ARCHITECTS are invited to submit up to TWO works of any s...
Preselection Completed
Entry Deadline: 06/02/2025, 5pm
Please login to find out if you have been selected for the next stage.
LoginExhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
The RSA Annual Exhibition is the largest and longest-running annual exhibition of contemporary art and architecture in Scotland. Now in its 199th year, the exhibition provides a platform for contemporary painting, sculpture, film, printmaking, photography and installation, alongside work by some of the country’s leading architects.
ARTISTS are invited to submit up to TWO works in any size and in any fine art media, including painting, drawing, printmaking, sculpture, photography, film/audio, digital, installation and performance.
Call Status: Preselection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Entry Deadline: 06/02/2025, 5pm
Exhibition Contact: exhibitions@royalscottishacademy.org
Open For Entry: Fri 15 November 2024, midday
Entry Deadline: Thurs 6 February 2025, 5pm
Pre-selection Announced: Fri 7 March 2025, from midday
Delivery of works: Fri 18 and Sat 19 April 2025, 10am-4.30pm
Final Physical Selection Announced: Wed 23 April 2025, from midday
Private View: Evening of Fri 2 May 2025, exact time TBC (invite only)
Open to Public: Sat 3 May - Sun 8 June 2025 (Mon to Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 12 - 5pm)
Collection of unsold work: Wed 11 - Sat 14 June 2025, 10am – 4.30pm
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £20.00
Additional Entries: £20.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
Young Person under 26 years old.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £10.00
Additional Entries: £10.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £10.00
Additional Entries: £10.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
Recent Graduate (2 years post-graduation))
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £10.00
Additional Entries: £10.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
When entering this call, the organisers request that you answer the following questions.
Artists may submit up to TWO works in any size and in any fine art media.
All works submitted for exhibition are considered by the Annual Exhibition Hanging Committee whose decision to accept or reject is final. Feedback cannot be provided on individual submissions and the panel will not enter into discussions nor make any exceptions on the final selection.
No reproductions of original work and no works that have previously been exhibited at the RSA, or any other exhibition in the RSA building, can be submitted. Artwork, including editioned work, cannot be included in any other exhibition during the opening dates of this exhibition. This includes in online/virtual exhibitions.
Applications should be from living artists and works must have been completed in the last 8 years.
Applied art is not accepted. No work made from ivory or involving the use of ivory will be accepted.
The judging process involves an online pre-selection phase followed by the delivery of pre-selected works to the RSA for a final selection of works to be included on the gallery walls. All pre-selected works will automatically be included in the online exhibition. As usual, only those selected at the final physical selection will be shown on the gallery walls.
There is also the opportunity to submit work as a solely online presentation by answering YES to 'My work is solely an online presentation' during the application process. These works will only be considered for online selection, and this opens up an opportunity for more experimental practices, for example documentation of site-specific work or extended digital video content.
Deadline: Thursday 6 February 2025, 5pm
Artists must register and submit their work online at www.royalscottishacademy.oess1.uk.
Applications must be completed before the deadline. After 5pm, 6 February 2025 no changes can be made to the submission and new entries will not be accepted. We strongly recommend you do not leave completing your application to the last minute. Please remember your log in details.
ONE image per work is required, however up to three images showing different angles or details can be submitted. Please provide good quality images that will do justice to your work. Images should be Jpeg/JPG or PNG files and be at least 1MB in size but no larger than 10MB.
An Entry Fee (inclusive of VAT) is required for each work:
Artists £20 per work / Concessions (student / recent graduate [up to 2 years] / under 26) £10 per work
Secure payment is made online during the application process by debit or credit card. Submissions will not be accepted without payment and refunds will not be offered for work not selected, not handed in or applications not completed by the deadline.
Each work included in the final exhibition is also subject to a £10 hanging fee to be paid online at Pre-selection or on delivery of the work in cash. Any works not included in the final physical selection will be refunded this hanging fee on collection of the work at the end of the exhibition and works submitted as online only will not be required to pay this fee.
Pre-selection results: Friday 7 March, from midday
Artists must log back into their account on the submission site to find out if works have been pre-selected. A notification email will not be sent out and it is the artist's responsibility to log in and check on the day.
Hand in for pre-selected work: Friday 18/Saturday 19 April, 10am-4.30pm
Pre-selected works must be delivered to the rear (South) door of the Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH2 2EL.
Artists may not hand in different or substitute works to those that have been pre-selected. Works must be unwrapped before handing to RSA staff and all packing must be removed from the gallery. Work will not be received outside the stated hours.
Due to extremely limited vehicle access to the building, arrivals must be staggered and times strictly adhered to. Delivery on foot is encouraged where possible. A schedule will be sent out to all pre-selected artists to book a delivery slot.
Final selection notification: Wednesday 23 April, from midday
Artists must log into their account to find out if their work is included in the final hang. If your work has not been selected for the physical exhibition it will still be included online and you will not need to collect until the end of the exhibition, with the exception of large or fragile works which we may request collection of due to space limitations or for the safety of the work.
No installed work, once placed, can be removed until the close of the exhibition without a special order from the RSA Council.
Artwork Labels
Artwork labels will be posted to pre-selected artists and will also be available at the RSA on hand-in days.
Labels should be securely attached to each work with string which is taped or stapled to the back of the work. The string should be long enough for the label to hang over the front of the work. For sculptures or unusually shaped works please affix the label in the most convenient way possible. Labels are for cataloguing and identification purposes and will be hidden or removed before opening to the public.
Each label is in three sections - A, B and ARTIST RECEIPT - all of which must be completed in full. A permanent label or other identification should also be affixed to the back of each work and, if possible, to each piece of sculpture, giving the artist’s name, artwork title and price.
Failure to comply with these requirements in full can lead to rejection of the work.
Collection: Wednesday 11 - Saturday 14 June, 10am-4.30pm
We have no storage at the RSA and a very quick changeover of exhibitions, therefore it is vital that artists uplift their works on the dates given.
Any works not collected will incur a storage fee to be paid by the Artist. After TWO WEEKS the work will become property of the RSA and may be disposed of. By completing the online registration process, the Artist accepts this condition as a binding agreement whereby ownership of the uncollected works is relinquished and transferred absolutely to the RSA.
If you are unable to hand in your work in person, you can arrange for an agent or courier to deliver/collect on your behalf on the stated collection days. It is the artists’ responsibility to source a courier and make arrangements directly with them. Below is a list of couriers who may be available. Please note, the RSA is not affiliated with any couriers and cannot confirm their availability. Many other couriers are available.
• Van GoGo2: vangogo2@gmail.com (Edinburgh, Glasgow, the Borders)
• Paul Gilzean: pggilzean@btinternet.com (Aberdeenshire, Dundee, Fife)
• McAdie and Reeve: mcadie-and-reeve.co.uk (Orkney)
• Irish Art Services: irishartservices.com, info@irishartservices.com, +353 63 849 51 (Ireland)
• Aardvark Art Services: aardvarkartservices.com, info@aardvarkartservices.com, 01253 794 673 (UK)
• ThePackengers: thepackengers.com, +44 (0) 20 3154 4360 (UK)
• Art Cargo: artcargo.co.uk, +44 (0)75 88 48 43 64 (UK)
• Picture Post - picture-post.webnode.com, info@picturepostcompany.co.uk (UK)
• Central Link Couriers - central-linkcouriers.co.uk (UK, Europe)
It is the artist's responsibility to organise and pay for all shipping, declare the artwork on an international postage customs declaration form and pay any customs costs your country may impose. This also applies to return shipping.
The RSA will not be responsible for any damage sustained to work while in transit to or from the gallery and we recommend the artist arrange suitable insurance.
Framed and unframed works are accepted. For safety reasons, frames should have no hanging mechanisms attached when delivered, unless integral to the work. All wall based work will be mirror plated as standard by the RSA hanging team. Works which cannot be mirror plated must be delivered with instructions for hanging and any specialist fittings that their weight or particular materials require. Work with inadequate or unstable frames may be rejected on these grounds. Clip frames will not be accepted.
Unframed paper works must come with hanging instructions and are submitted at the artists own risk.
Original prints are encouraged; however, reproductions of existing artworks in other media will not be accepted. If further works from a print edition are available, the framed and unframed prices and number available for sale should be provided on the online application form.
Plinths or shelves for sculptures must be supplied by the artist with the work on the hand in days or the work will be rejected. Plinths must be stable and an appropriate size for the work. The RSA reserves the right to paint plinths unless expressly prohibited by the Artist.
Works whose stability, materials or method of construction could present a hazard to the viewing public may be rejected on these grounds. Works with moving parts or utilising electrical/mechanical elements must comply with health and safety regulations and be PAT tested. Composite work must be accompanied by clear instructions for assembly and all parts must be clearly labelled.
For the purpose of selection, Artists submitting film or digital media should upload their work to Vimeo, YouTube, or other suitable website and enter a URL link to that work in the space provided in the submission form. It is also possible to add a password if the link is password protected. A still image must also be submitted as a holding image for the application process.
As standard, selected film work will be shown in a repeating showreel with other film works using the RSA's own projectors and speakers. If the A/V work is intended to be shown separately on a TV monitor, or is not able to be displayed on the showreel for a specific reason, the Artist must supply the necessary A/V equipment (plus any plinths/shelves required). Set up and running instructions must also be supplied and all equipment must be PAT tested.
All work should be for sale (exceptions may be made for installation and film work).
All sales are subject to 40% commission + VAT (charged on the amount of commission only) for non VAT-registered artists. Artists registered for VAT must enter their VAT number on the online submission form and sales will then be subject to 40% commission including VAT.
The price of work given on the online submission form and labels is the total price payable by the purchaser, i.e the wall price. The RSA will not add commission costs on for you.
Where editions of works (prints, casts, etc.) are available for sale, Artists must enter the appropriate information (framed/unframed prices, number in edition, number available for sale) on the online submission form. The Artist must arrange for the framing and delivery of any additional framed prints sold (the RSA will not charge commission on the framing premium).
For the duration of the exhibition all work (including editions) should be for sale through the RSA only. No editions of works should be sent by the artist to a purchaser until the RSA has confirmed that the price has been paid in full. In addition, any private sale made outwith, but as a direct result of, the exhibition should also be acknowledged, whereupon the relevant commission will be charged.
Artists will be notified of any sales prior to the collection dates and payment will be made by bank transfer around one month after the close of the exhibition. In line with GDPR the buyers details cannot be passed on to the Artist.
Under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 it is the general rule that in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, copyright of a work of art belongs to the artist or his/her/their heirs and assigns. By submitting work, unless contacted by the artist in writing to say otherwise, the Artist grants the RSA permission to photograph and/or film the submitted works for press and marketing purposes, including the right to free reproduction in any catalogue, poster, website or other promotional material in connection with the exhibition.
If a work is lost, damaged or destroyed during the exhibition period, the RSA shall notify the Artist immediately and shall be liable to pay the Artist the agreed selling price less the agreed commission. Works shall be insured whilst at the RSA premises only. No insurance cover will be given to works while in transit to or from the RSA or after the stated collection dates.
Fragile works must be appropriately labelled and unframed mounted prints/photographs must come with corner protectors. Unframed 2D works, works of a temporary or ephemeral nature, and works intended to be handled by the public will remain at the risk of the artist and may not be covered by insurance. Works will be assessed for condition on delivery to the galleries.
An opening event will be held the at the RSA on the evening of Friday 2 May (exact time TBC). All pre-selected artists will receive a plus one invite link to this event upon notification of pre-selection and must RSVP online in order to attend. Due to strict health and safety capacity rules for the building it is likely not all artists will be able to RSVP/attend. No additional invites will be available.
The exhibition will be open to everyone for free from Saturday 3 May to Sunday 8 June, Monday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sundays 12 - 5pm. Related events will be published on the RSA website nearer the time.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy
The RSA Annual Exhibition is the largest and longest-running annual exhibition of contemporary art and architecture in Scotland. Now in its 198th year, the exhibition provides a platform for contemporary painting, sculpture, film, printmaking, photography and installation, alongside work by some of the country’s leading architects.
ARCHITECTS are invited to submit up to TWO works of any size in any suitable medium, including drawings, schematics, digital imagery, photography, models, video work etc.
Call Status: Preselection Completed
Exhibition Location: UK
Exhibition Type: Gallery and Online
Entry Deadline: 06/02/2025, 5pm
Exhibition Contact: exhibitions@royalscottishacademy.org
Open For Entry: Fri 15 November 2024, midday
Entry Deadline: Thurs 6 February 2025, 5pm
Pre-selection Announced: Fri 7 March 2025, from midday
Delivery of works: Fri 18 and Sat 19 April 2025, 10am-4.30pm
Final Physical Selection Announced: Wed 23 April 2025, from midday
Private View: Evening of Fri 2 May 2025, exact time TBC (invite only)
Open to Public: Sat 3 May - Sun 8 June 2025 (Mon to Sat 10am - 5pm, Sun 12 - 5pm)
Collection of unsold work: Wed 11 - Sat 14 June 2025, 10am – 4.30pm
Standard Prices.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £30.00
Additional Entries: £30.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
Young Person under 26 years old.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £10.00
Additional Entries: £10.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
Maximum Artwork Entries: 2
First or Single Entry Price: £10.00
Additional Entries: £10.00 per artwork up to 2 artworks.
When entering this call, the organisers request that you answer the following questions.
Architects may submit up to TWO works of any size. Work may be submitted in any suitable medium, including drawings, schematics, digital imagery, photography, models, video work etc. One work may include multiple, related parts.
All works submitted for the exhibition are considered by the RSA Annual Exhibition Hanging Committee whose decision to accept or reject is final. Feedback cannot be provided on individual submissions and the panel will not enter into discussions nor make any exceptions on the final selection.
No works that have already been exhibited at the RSA, or any other exhibition in the RSA building, can be submitted. Work may not be included in any other virtual exhibition during the opening dates of this exhibition.
The judging process involves an online pre-selection phase followed by the delivery of works to the RSA for a final selection of works to be included on the gallery walls. All pre-selected works will automatically be included in the online exhibition. As usual, only those selected at the final physical selection will be shown on the gallery walls.
There is also the opportunity to submit work as a solely online presentation by answering YES to ‘My work is solely an online presentation’ during the application process. These works will only be considered for online selection and this can open up an opportunity for more experimental practices, for example documentation of site-specific work or extended digital video content.
Deadline: Thursday 6 February 2025, 5pm
Architects must register and submit their work online at www.royalscottishacademy.oess1.uk.
Applications must be completed before the deadline. After 5pm, 6 February 2025 no changes can be made to the submission and new entries will not be accepted. We strongly recommend you do not leave completing your application to the last minute. Please remember your log in details.
ONE image per work is required, however up to three additional images showing different angles can be submitted. Please provide good quality images that will do justice to your work. Images should be Jpeg/JPG or PNG files and be at least 1MB in size but no larger than 10MB.
Architects may use the ‘Artwork Description’ section in the application to give a succinct overview of the work and any information about the display that may require further explanation.
An Entry Fee (inclusive of VAT) is required for each work:
Architects £30 per work / Students and under 26s £10 per work
Secure payment is made online during the application process by debit or credit card. Submissions will not be accepted without payment and refunds will not be offered for work not selected, not handed in or applications not completed by the deadline.
Each work included in the final exhibition is also subject to a £10 hanging fee to be paid by Stripe on notification of pre-selection or on delivery of the work in cash. Any works not included in the final physical selection will be refunded this hanging fee and works submitted as online only will not be asked to pay this fee.
Pre-selection results: Friday 7 March 2025, from midday
Architects must log back into their account on the submission site from midday on 7 March to find out if works have been pre-selected for the exhibition. A notification email will not be sent out and it is the architect’s responsibility to log in and check on the day.
Hand in for pre-selected work: Friday 18/Saturday 16 April 2025, 10am-4.30pm
Pre-selected works must be delivered to the rear (South) door of the Royal Scottish Academy, The Mound, Edinburgh, EH2 2EL. Architects may not hand in different or substitute works to those that have been pre-selected. Works must be unwrapped before handing to RSA staff and all packing must be removed from the gallery. Work will not be received outwith the stated hours.
Due to extremely limited vehicle access at the building, arrivals must be staggered and times strictly adhered to. Delivering on foot is encouraged where possible. A schedule will be sent out to all pre-selected artists to book a delivery slot.
Final selection notification: Wednesday 23 April 2025, from midday
Architects must log into their account to find out if their work has been included in the final hang. If your work has not been selected for the physical exhibition it will still be included online and will not need to be collected until the end of the exhibition (see dates below), with the exception of large or fragile works which we may request collection of due to space restrictions and safety.
No installed work, once placed, can be removed until the close of the exhibition without a special order from the RSA Council.
Labels will be posted to pre-selected Architects and will also be available at the RSA on hand-in days.
Labels should be securely attached to each work with string which is taped or stapled to the back of the work. The string should be long enough for the label to hang over the front of the work. For models or unusually shaped works please affix the label in the most convenient way possible. Labels are for cataloguing and identification purposes and will be hidden or removed before opening to the public.
Each label is in three sections - A, B and ARTIST RECEIPT - all of which must be completed in full. A permanent label or other identification should also be affixed to the back of each work with the Architect’s name.
Failure to comply with these requirements in full can lead to rejection of the work.
Collection: Wednesday 11 - Saturday 14 June 2025, 10am – 4.30pm
We have no storage at the RSA and a very quick changeover of exhibitions, therefore it is extremely important that work is uplifted promptly on the dates given.
Any works not collected will incur a storage fee. After TWO WEEKS the work will become property of the RSA and may subsequently be disposed of. No work, once placed, can be removed until the close of the exhibition without a special order from the RSA Council. By completing the online submission process, the Architect accepts this condition as a binding agreement whereby ownership of the uncollected works is relinquished and transferred absolutely to the RSA.
If you are unable to hand in your pre-selected work(s) in person then you can arrange for an agent or courier to deliver/collect on your behalf on the stated collection days. It is the artists’ responsibility to source a courier and make arrangements directly with them. Below is a list of couriers who may be available. Please note, the RSA is not affiliated with any couriers and cannot confirm their availability. Many other couriers are available.
It is the architect’s responsibility to organise and pay for all shipping, declare the artwork on an international postage customs declaration form and pay any customs costs your country may impose. This also applies to return shipping.
The RSA will not be responsible for any damage sustained to work while in transit to or from the gallery and we recommend the architect arrange suitable insurance.
Framed and unframed works are accepted. Frames must have no hanging mechanisms attached when delivered, unless integral to the work. All wall based work will be mirror plated by the RSA hanging team as standard. Works which cannot be mirror plated must be delivered with instructions for hanging and any specialist fittings that their weight or particular materials require. Work with inadequate or unstable frames may be rejected on these grounds. Clip frames will not be accepted.
Unframed paper works must come with hanging instructions and are submitted at the Architect’s own risk.
Original prints are encouraged; however, reproductions of existing artworks in other media will not be accepted. If further works from a print edition are available, the framed and unframed prices and number available for sale should be provided on the online application form.
Plinths/shelves etc. for models and 3D work must be supplied on the hand in days or the work will be rejected. Plinths must be stable and an appropriate size for the work. The RSA reserves the right to paint plinths unless expressly prohibited by the architect. Works whose stability, materials or method of construction could present a hazard to the viewing public may be rejected on these grounds. Works with moving parts or utilising electrical/mechanical elements must comply with health and safety regulations and be PAT tested. A composite work must be accompanied by clear instructions for assembly.
For the purpose of selection, Architects submitting film or digital media should upload their work to Vimeo, YouTube, or other suitable website and enter a URL link to that work in the space provided in the submission form. It is also possible to add a password if the link is password protected. A still image must also be submitted as a holding image for the application process.
Pre-selected architects must supply all electronic AV equipment (and plinths/shelves if necessary) with set up instructions for the exhibition unless otherwise stated by the RSA. All equipment must be PAT tested.
Work should be available for sale where possible.
All sales made from the exhibition are subject to 40% commission + VAT (charged on the amount of commission only). Architects registered for VAT must enter their VAT number on the online submission form and sales will then be subject to 40% commission including VAT.
The price of work shown on the online submission form and labels is the total price payable by the purchaser, the RSA will not add on commission costs for you.
Where editions of works (prints, casts, etc.) are available for sale, Architects should enter the appropriate information (framed and unframed prices, number in edition, number available for sale) on the online submission form. The Architect must arrange for the framing and delivery of any additional framed prints sold (the RSA will not charge commission on the framing premium).
For the duration of the exhibition all work (including editions) should be for sale through the RSA only. No editions of works should be sent by the Architect to a purchaser until the RSA has confirmed that the price has been paid in full. In addition, any private sale made outwith, but as a direct result of, the exhibition should also be acknowledged, whereupon the relevant commission will be charged.
Architects will be notified of any sales prior to the collection dates and payment will be made by bank transfer around one month after the close of the exhibition. In line with GDPR the buyers details cannot be passed on to the Architect.
Under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 it is the general rule that in the absence of any agreement to the contrary, copyright of a work of art belongs to the architect or his/her heirs and assigns. By submitting work, unless contacted by the architect in writing to say otherwise, the architect grants the RSA permission to photograph and/or film the submitted works for press and marketing purposes, including the right to free reproduction for any catalogue, poster, website or other non-commercial promotional material in connection with the exhibition.
If a work is lost, damaged or destroyed during the exhibition period, the Gallery shall notify the architect immediately and shall be liable to pay the architect the agreed selling price less the agreed commission. Works shall be insured whilst at the RSA premises only. No insurance cover will be given to works while in transit to or from the RSA or after the stated collection dates.
Fragile work must be appropriately labelled and unframed mounted prints/photography must come with corner protectors. Unframed 2D works and works of a temporary or ephemeral nature will remain at the risk of the architect and will not be covered by insurance. Works will be assessed for condition on delivery to the galleries.
An opening event will be held the at the RSA on the evening of Friday 2 May (exact time TBC). Upon notification of pre-selection, all exhibitors will receive an invite link for 2 people to attend this event and must RSVP online in order to attend. Due to strict health and safety capacity rules for the building it is likely not all exhibitors will be able to RSVP/attend. No additional invites will be available.
The exhibition will be open to everyone for free from Saturday 3 May to Sunday 8 June, Monday to Saturday 10am - 5pm, Sundays 12 - 5pm. Related events will be published on the RSA website nearer the time.
Please Note: The above terms and conditions are provided by the exhibition organisers.
For terms and conditions which apply to the use of the OESS entry system please view below:
OESS Terms & Conditions | Privacy Policy